
A closeup side view of Chelsea, a fair-skinned woman with shoulder-length curly auburn hair, standing and smiling on a patio in front of a curtain of lights, wearing a top with a light blue, turquoise, and white watercolor blended pattern, a light blue crocheted head covering with giant sunflowers on it, dangly resin sunflower earrings, and a resin sunflower necklace dangling from a gold branch of leaves

Chelsea Pinson (she/her) is a totally blind leftist lesbian poet living in Oklahoma, in a rickety old house with 3 bad cats. She loves fairy tales and folklore, horror and thrillers, and, when not consuming or creating the written word, can often be found wherever there are birds, water, and sunshine.

She has been published in Corvid Queen and Lavender Review, and hopes to have more work forthcoming soon. She writes about big feelings involving sexuality, what it means to live with/in a body, being a woman in the world, and is most recently on a journey to excavate every little bit of joy from the mundanities of life.